If you live north of Cypress Mill Road, you may be forced to curtail your dining options in the near future. Either that or seek anger management therapy in order to navigate the Betterton-Kitts Bottleneck soon to arrive downtown. Where can you eat in the vast metropolis of Needmore? Let's look at your choices:
1. North Wood Social - Sit down dining
2. McDonald's - American fast food
3. Mid-Town Butcher (Cheesy Bob) - American fast food
4. Wok 'N Roll - Asian
5. Voodoo Wings - American fast food
6. Dick Howell's - American fast food
7. Fiesta Mexicana - Mexican
8. Rice Box - Asian
9. Taco Bell - Mexican
10. Big Man's Barbecue - American fast food
11. El Polito Loco - Mexican
Seven-Points may be the only community in the free world without a Subway sandwich shop. Let's all say thank you to the Florence City Council and mayor when we visit the polls in August.