Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Are Subway's In-Store Sliced Meat Sandwiches Really Better?


Subway is a chain that's been struggling for some time. In its effort to stay relevant, not to mention afloat, the chain has introduced sandwich meat sliced in the store while you wait. Is it better than the packaged slices previously used?

We asked an expert butcher:

* Freshness: Meat sliced in store is typically cut from a larger piece of meat just before you buy it, so it is fresher than pre-sliced meats. This means that it will have a better flavor and texture.

* Less processing: Meat sliced in store is typically less processed than pre-sliced meats. This is because it does not need to be packaged and shipped, which means that it does not need to contain as many preservatives and additives.

Our personal take? We tried the roast beef at the Tuscaloosa Street location and couldn't tell a difference. 

Now if only the franchises would be required to keep two employees on duty at all times.

Cherry Pitts 

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