Monday, November 14, 2022

McDonald's at Seven-Points Closing for Flu


McDonald's at Seven Points in North Florence has always kept the wonkiest hours. Since I got off early today I decided to run by Mickey D's for a McRib. After all, the fast food company is calling this a farewell tour, but they've done that before. Just in case I want to get my fill while it's here.

First I couldn't even get in the parking lot on the Wills Avenue side but I thought it was just late school traffic. I decided to visit the dining room, so I drove around and parked on the Wood Avenue side. No such luck in getting any food that way, the dining room was closed.

As I left to walk back to my car I met a friend who told me the restaurant was partially closed due to the flu and that the drive-thru was also expected to shut down for a few days. This could change, but if you're in a hurry you might want to scratch this McDonald's off your list.

Cherry Pitts

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